Dynamat SuperLite is for the vehicle owner who wants a quiet, solid ride, while keeping weight to a minimum. SuperLite can be used for full coverage on your vehicle’s interior or just in problem areas of high sound resonation. The flexible, low-density synthetic core creates dynamic motion energy conversion to silence your vehicle interior. It is a thin, easy to install, super-sticky, space age plastic, bonded to an alloy skin that converts noise causing vibration into silent energy. Use it on doors, floor, roof, hood and boot for a really quiet and incredibly solid ride.
• 30% Lighter than Xtreme
• Ideal for High Performance Cars
• 3 Sheet Pack
• 46 x 81cm (1.1sqM)
• Peel & Stick
Add Dynaliner on top for added acoustic performance
Audison APS10 Subwoofer with Fibreglass Stealth Box to suit Ford Ranger & Mazda